The External Quality Assurance (EQA) Programme of the Indian Academy of Cytologists was started in the year 2000 with the aim of helping the participating laboratories to maintain and monitor the quality of reporting on cytopathology specimen in the best interest of patient care and management and also to encourage them to improve and excel in their reporting on cytology samples.

Institutional or individual laboratories, either government or private, either IAC accredited or accredited by any other agency such as NABL, offering cytology services may register for the IAC EQA programme. For IAC accredited laboratories it is mandatory to participate in the IAC EQA programme every year.

Enrolment of new laboratories as well as renewal of already registered labs is done every year only during the period 1st January to 28th February. Mid-cycle registration is not permitted. Every year, the registered laboratories shall be couriered one box containing slides of gynaec and non gynaec exfoliative cytology and fine needle aspiration cytology. Participating laboratories shall receive the EQA response evaluation and a certificate of participation from the EQA Chairperson at the end of the relevant year.

Laboratories desirous of joining this EQA programme may download the EQA registration form from this website and follow the instructions therein. For a detailed view of the EQA programme you may read the relevant pages in the Standard Operating Procedure of IAC also available on this website.

The Chairperson EQA programme may be contacted at for queries, information, comments and suggestions.

Instructions for EQA 2025:

  • Registration is mandatory for ALL laboratories to participate in the EQA programme.
  • Only accredited laboratories are allowed to participate in this program
  • IAC Membership of Lab Director / HOD / Lab In-charge is highly desirable and those of you who are not members of IAC, kindly do so.
  • The Registration fee is Rs.5000/- for New Registrations which is non-refundable and includes the first-year annual participation fee.
  • Subsequently, for all laboratories there will be an Annual Renewal Fee of Rs.2000/-.
  • Payment mode: NEFT is preferred. Alternate option: Demand draft
  • ALL Communication will be with this registered E-mail id only.
  • Please save this in PDF file format in the short form of lab’s name, place, followed by year – E.g., EQA_Reg_2025; EQA_52_2025
  • E-mail this form to:
  • Hard copy of Registrations form is NOT required.
  • Last date for Registration is 28th February 2025

For any query contact -

Dr. Nalini Gupta
EQA Chairperson
Tel: 9914208114

Dr Parikshaa Gupta,
Dr Manish Rohilla

Tel: 9914204124; 7087008492

Department of Cytology & Gynaec. Pathology, Research A Block, 4th floor, PGIMER, Chandigarh – 160012.3